MintCoins - an android mobile app that offers money for installing apps in your mobile is a SCAM. It is a simple app that allows you to earn money from 4-10 coins (100 coins = 1$) for downloading other apps, games, watching videos. Payment is done via paypal.
Initially it looked like an honest paying app as they paid my first payment of 1.07$ in sept 2013. Since they paid and looked legit, I even rated them 5 ★ on google playstore. Now after accumulating 6$ the second time, they have not paid and neither is there any reply to the emails and customer support ticket. They claim to pay in 24 hrs, but it has has been 6 days while I write this review!
I tried to check the reviews on google playstore if I am sailing in the same boat as someone else. While i did find some, majority reviews are fake reviews as mint coins offers 0.10$ to rate them.
Conclusion: Utter waste of time plus my mobile went slow with installation and uninstalling of these apps.
Other issues: Offers come from third parties like tokenads, supersonic, sponsorpay etc and not directly from mintcoins. Many times (90%) it happens that offer has been completed and still not paid. For such scenarios, the third party needs to be contacted and it is upon them to approve or reject your ticket. They tend to reject tickets even if you have a valid screenshot proving your task completion - reason given the advertiser cannot confirm it! Only when I questioned them back once that I have already provided a clear screenshot displaying a "Thank you" message for registration, did they approve!
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